
All readers must find the letters from other readers highly interesting. But since the writer's name cannot be used, we don't know, usually, whether the person is a man or a woman. Why can't each letter be signed with a single initial: M (male) or F (female)? Or perhaps the letters from women might be placed together in the magazine, with the letters from men either preceding or following? Personally, I should prefer the first suggestion, though any method. you might choose would be satisfactory. Friends. agree with me on this idea, as I believe practically all readers would.

Kansas City, Missouri

Let's hear from the other readers on this. It's your magazine-we WANT your suggestions.-Ed.

Dear Sirs:

I read and re-read my back issues many times and each time I get something more. out of them than I had the time before. My only complaint so far comes from the April '54 issue. It regards TWO. I liked TWO very much but thought it was to be a supplement to ONE and not a replacement for something. It seems that something is being left out when TWO is added. Please let's not omit anything.



Just a few lines here to let you know how pricelessly I value the recent April issue. The exposé of "Dr." A. G. Mathews in TWO was a startling and encouraging advancement, worth the price of a year's subscription.. LOS ANGELES, CALIF.

Dear Editors:

The May '54 issue is, I think, the best your people have done. I've wanted to know what happened to Lord Montagu and now I knowit's too bad but in this unheroic age a few martyrs are needed. (ONE might eventually suffer martyrdom.) "We Need a Great Literature" is excellent-I wish I had time to write. an article showing my agreement and disagreement with the ideas presented therein. I believe truth in all its noble and ignoble aspects is more important than half-true ideals". As an example I'll cite the writing of Denton Welch especially A Voice From a Cloud. And I wonder whether or not "acceptance by society" is what homosexuals really want. I suspect that "society", for many homosexuals, means something not only vaguely antagonistic but also dull-and certainly homosexual artists (that minority within the minority), while viewing society with a distant sympathy, thank their stars that they are well out of it. San Francisco, California

Dear Sirs:


ONE reports the homosexual problem in every issue. And I'm not kicking but the problem here isn't the same as it is elsewhere, or so I've heard. Why not tell us the situation in other countries? What's true and what isn't in the stories we hear about Paris, Capri and Mexico City?


You've been peeking! We're preparing just such an issue. Watch for it!-Ed.

Dear Friends:

I read your magazine with the greatest pleasure, and think it compares with the best in Europe. I enjoyed particularly your frank and courageous attitude. Despite our "liberal" legislature in Sweden, and some revision of those medieval laws, I could still be kicked out of my job, perhaps out of the country, under some pretext, if someone should "find out." HAGERSTEN, SWEDEN

Dear Editors:

I have just received 9 copies of your magazine dated from last August, and needless to say have been devouring each and every one. Being a gal, I was especially interested in the February issue and the "Letter to a Newcomer." This reminds me of my own sorry debut into this life a few years ago when the only port of entry seemed to be through "the swinging door." All too soon skyrocketing hopes were dashed to earth and in bitterness and disgust I returned to my previous solitude. But now your wonderful magazine has found its way into my dark hermit's cave and seems to shed a great ray of light. I am sure that it is doing the same for countless others who like myself have yearned for a Homosexual society of high level. We who have dreamed and have remained true to our moral standards have but lain in wait to answer the call that we have known in our hearts must someday come. Your magazine IS the call and I with the others am here, fresh from my cave, to do all and everything I can to help.

West Los Angeles, Calif.


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